
0. BlocksNet Installation

Import geopandas and set a local coordinate reference system (in EPSG format). Local CRS also can be determined by estimate_utm_crs() method of certain GeoDataFrame.

import geopandas as gpd
import os

data_path = './../tests/data/'
local_crs = 32637

1. Generating a layer of city blocks

Import BlocksGenerator class from the library.

from blocksnet import BlocksGenerator

Read parquet/geojson files with the geometries needed for the generator. One can retrieve the geometries themselve from OSM by the tags provided in BlocksGenerator description. Reproject the geometries to local coordinate reference system.

boundaries = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'boundaries.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)
water = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'water.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)
roads = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'roads.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)
railways = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'railways.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)

Initialize BlocksGenerator with loaded geometries. Then call run method to get a GeoDataFrame with block geometries.

bg = BlocksGenerator(
blocks = bg.run()
2024-09-25 18:47:18.880 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:__init__:99 - Check boundaries schema
2024-09-25 18:47:18.909 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:__init__:103 - Check roads schema
2024-09-25 18:47:18.922 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:__init__:109 - Check railways schema
2024-09-25 18:47:18.931 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:__init__:115 - Check water schema
2024-09-25 18:47:18.939 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:__init__:124 - Exclude water objects
2024-09-25 18:47:18.988 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:161 - Generating blocks
2024-09-25 18:47:19.003 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:170 - Setting up enclosures
2024-09-25 18:47:19.166 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:174 - Filling holes
2024-09-25 18:47:19.231 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:178 - Dropping overlapping blocks
2024-09-25 18:47:19.359 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:192 - Calculating blocks area
2024-09-25 18:47:19.371 | INFO     | blocksnet.preprocessing.blocks_generator:run:199 - Blocks generated
0 POLYGON ((550762.290 6565038.844, 550768.857 6...
1 POLYGON ((550768.857 6565033.563, 550762.290 6...
2 POLYGON ((544937.479 6564706.592, 544935.619 6...
3 POLYGON ((544806.647 6565359.291, 544814.358 6...
4 POLYGON ((544793.346 6565395.228, 544800.150 6...
... ...
732 POLYGON ((550330.064 6563176.320, 550349.264 6...
733 POLYGON ((546106.838 6566506.429, 546183.774 6...
734 POLYGON ((552977.299 6562202.373, 553051.882 6...
735 POLYGON ((556605.841 6559581.667, 555984.050 6...
736 POLYGON ((552990.050 6562231.172, 552917.365 6...

737 rows × 1 columns


The resulting blocks can be saved to a file.


2. Generating an intermodal graph

At this stage, you have to generate an intermodal graph by passing the blocks GeoDataFrame to AccessibilityProcessor.

from blocksnet import AccessibilityProcessor

ap = AccessibilityProcessor(blocks=blocks)
intermodal_graph = ap.get_intermodal_graph()

Vizualization of the resulting intermodal graph.

ap.plot(blocks, intermodal_graph)

Saving the graph as a geojson file

import osmnx as ox
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(intermodal_graph)
edges[['geometry', 'type', 'route', 'length_meter', 'time_min']].to_file('graph_edges.geojson')

3. Calculating an accessibility matrix

Now, you can calculate an accessibility matrix using the blocks layer and intermodal graph acquired on the previous stages. This matrix is obtained by finding the shortest travel time between each pair of blocks in the intermodal graph.

accessibility_matrix = ap.get_accessibility_matrix(graph=intermodal_graph)

Output of the obtained accessibility matrix. Each cell [i,j] represents the shortest travel time between block i and block j. The matrix doesn’t take into account created demand and traffic.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736
0 0.000000 4.195312 50.90625 36.781250 31.453125 40.15625 32.281250 33.437500 33.218750 35.125000 ... 27.328125 23.65625 23.671875 14.171875 15.398438 19.71875 26.4375 26.43750 40.68750 18.609375
1 4.675781 0.000000 53.53125 39.406250 34.062500 42.78125 34.937500 36.093750 35.843750 37.750000 ... 26.296875 22.62500 22.515625 13.007812 14.234375 18.56250 29.0625 25.96875 42.09375 19.968750
2 44.937500 46.437500 0.00000 41.500000 36.156250 53.12500 37.000000 38.156250 37.937500 39.812500 ... 62.125000 58.46875 59.781250 50.281250 51.343750 51.78125 65.8125 63.28125 78.93750 56.875000
3 38.687500 40.187500 43.00000 0.000000 5.324219 23.53125 6.902344 8.062500 8.359375 10.242188 ... 55.000000 51.34375 52.843750 44.031250 45.062500 44.65625 39.8125 57.03125 72.68750 50.593750
4 33.375000 34.843750 37.68750 5.324219 0.000000 18.21875 1.579102 2.736328 3.035156 4.921875 ... 49.687500 46.03125 47.531250 38.687500 39.750000 39.31250 34.5000 51.71875 67.37500 45.281250

5 rows × 737 columns

Optionally, save the accessibility matrix as a file.


4. City model initialization

Now with the resulting matrix and blocks layer we can initialize a city model.

from blocksnet import City

blocks['land_use'] = None

vologda = City(

With print you can get information about: - local coordinate reference system; - the number of blocks in a city; - number of service types defined in the city (by default) types of city services (by default) and number of service types already loaded in the model; - number of buildings loaded in the model; - number of services loaded in the model.

CRS : EPSG:32637
Blocks : 737
Service types : 0/66
Buildings : 0
Services : 0

With this model, you can already perform basic analysis of urban environment. However, for more advanced analysis, information about existing services and buildings should be updated.

At first, one should update city buildings layer, for some of the services will update the information about the capacity based on whether located or not inside of the building. Buildings spatial layer should contain the following columns:

  • index : int - unique building id

  • geometry : Polygon | MultiPolygon

  • build_floor_area : float >= 0

  • living_area : float >= 0

  • non_living_area : float >= 0

  • footprint_area : float >= 0

  • number_of_floors : int >= 1

  • population : int >= 0

buildings = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'buildings.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)
geometry number_of_floors is_living footprint_area build_floor_area living_area population
0 POLYGON ((551734.377 6561005.520, 551753.023 6... 2.0 False 3051.403190 6102.806380 0.000000 0
1 POLYGON ((551242.888 6561217.885, 551255.024 6... 1.0 False 947.828484 947.828484 0.000000 0
2 POLYGON ((551677.852 6560979.128, 551735.071 6... 5.0 True 643.583783 3217.918916 2574.335133 117
3 POLYGON ((551600.420 6561013.594, 551657.042 6... 1.0 True 682.649464 682.649464 0.000000 0
4 POLYGON ((550484.802 6569857.123, 550472.896 6... 1.0 False 230.815777 230.815777 0.000000 0

Buildings that did not intersect any blocks will be returned from update_buildings() method.

2024-09-25 18:48:10.872 | INFO     | blocksnet.models.city:update_buildings:1237 - Removing existing blocks from the model
2024-09-25 18:48:10.877 | INFO     | blocksnet.models.city:update_buildings:1241 - Joining buildings and blocks
2024-09-25 18:48:14.410 | WARNING  | blocksnet.models.city:update_buildings:1253 - 2 buildings did not intersect any block
Update blocks buildings: 100%|██████████| 471/471 [00:03<00:00, 148.27it/s]
geometry number_of_floors is_living footprint_area build_floor_area living_area population
9781 POLYGON ((551681.237 6564001.208, 551661.600 6... 1.0 False 504.758281 504.758281 0.0 0
16467 POLYGON ((551668.426 6563984.529, 551678.221 6... 1.0 False 463.814782 463.814782 0.0 0

After the buildings spatial layer update, one must update the information about city services. In this example, we only update the information about schools and kindergartens, that are defined in the model by default by school and kindergarten unique keys.

ServiceType(code='3.5.1', name='school', accessibility=15, demand=120, land_use=[<LandUse.RESIDENTIAL: 'residential'>, <LandUse.BUSINESS: 'business'>], bricks=[ServiceBrick(capacity=250, area=3200.0, is_integrated=False, parking_area=0.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=300, area=4000.0, is_integrated=False, parking_area=0.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=600, area=8200.0, is_integrated=False, parking_area=0.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=1100, area=13000.0, is_integrated=False, parking_area=0.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=250, area=2200.0, is_integrated=True, parking_area=200.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=300, area=3600.0, is_integrated=True, parking_area=300.0), ServiceBrick(capacity=600, area=7100.0, is_integrated=True, parking_area=600.0)])
school = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'school.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)
kindergarten = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'kindergarten.parquet')).to_crs(local_crs)

vologda.update_services('school', school)
vologda.update_services('kindergarten', kindergarten)

As we don’t have an information about LandUse, we can try to predict it based on existing services in the model. But we need more information about located services than in this example.

from blocksnet import LandUsePrediction

lup = LandUsePrediction(city_model=vologda)
lu_blocks = lup.calculate()
100%|██████████| 737/737 [00:02<00:00, 321.16it/s]
geometry land_use
0 POLYGON ((550762.290 6565038.844, 550768.857 6... None
1 POLYGON ((550768.857 6565033.563, 550762.290 6... None
2 POLYGON ((544937.479 6564706.592, 544935.619 6... RESIDENTIAL
3 POLYGON ((544806.647 6565359.291, 544814.358 6... None
4 POLYGON ((544793.346 6565395.228, 544800.150 6... None

Update the information about LandUse in the model.


Visualizing our model in few projections: - land use; - network accessibility; - buildings; - services.


5. Methods for urban environment analysis

5.1. Accessibility

With the Accessibility class, you can get a layer with information about block accessibility (relative to the chosen block).

import random

block = random.choice(vologda.blocks)
from blocksnet.method import Accessibility

acc = Accessibility(city_model=vologda)
acc_res = acc.calculate(block)
geometry accessibility_to accessibility_from
0 POLYGON ((550762.290 6565038.844, 550768.857 6... 47.15625 47.62500
1 POLYGON ((550768.857 6565033.563, 550762.290 6... 48.93750 49.15625
2 POLYGON ((544937.479 6564706.592, 544935.619 6... 92.31250 87.18750
3 POLYGON ((544806.647 6565359.291, 544814.358 6... 78.18750 80.93750
4 POLYGON ((544793.346 6565395.228, 544800.150 6... 72.87500 75.62500

Visualizing the resulting accessibility GeoDataFrame.

acc.plot(acc_res, figsize=(10,5))

You can also filter blocks that can potentially supply the chosen block with services of certain type.

service_type = vologda['school']
accessibility = service_type.accessibility
acc_res_st = acc_res[acc_res['accessibility_to']<=accessibility]
geometry accessibility_to accessibility_from
491 POLYGON ((557733.822 6566501.805, 557716.377 6... 0.000000 0.000000
673 POLYGON ((557929.513 6566532.311, 557868.701 6... 9.039062 9.039062
674 POLYGON ((557988.145 6566536.245, 557929.513 6... 9.718750 9.718750
acc_res_st.plot(figsize=(10,10), column='accessibility_to').set_axis_off()

Saving the results to a geojson file


5.2. Connectivity

Other methods are used in a similar way. Here is an example of blocks’ transport connectivity calculation using Connectivity class.

from blocksnet import Connectivity

con = Connectivity(city_model=vologda)
con_res = con.calculate()

Visualizating the connectivity result.


5.3. Service Provision

You can also assess service type provision for any block. Normative capacity and block population are used in assessment.

from blocksnet import Provision, ProvisionMethod

prov = Provision(city_model=vologda)
prov_res = prov.calculate(service_type)
2024-09-25 18:48:35.670 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 15 : 192x37
2024-09-25 18:48:35.780 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:48:35.835 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:48:35.937 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 30 : 52x18
2024-09-25 18:48:35.967 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:48:35.988 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:48:36.022 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 60 : 26x4
2024-09-25 18:48:36.028 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:48:36.039 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:48:36.053 | SUCCESS  | blocksnet.method.provision:calculate:269 - Provision assessment finished

Visualization of service provision.


Save result to a file.


You can also use iterative greedy method of population distribution for provision assessment.

prov_res_gr = prov.calculate(service_type, method=ProvisionMethod.GREEDY)
2024-09-25 18:49:14.785 | SUCCESS  | blocksnet.method.provision:calculate:269 - Provision assessment finished

Visualizating the result.


Getting statistical parameters of provision.

{'mean': 0.8027122468957005, 'median': 1.0, 'min': 0.0, 'max': 1.0}

Getting city-wide provision estimate.


Saving results to a file.


You can modify parameters of any block and perform provision assessment again. Let’s take a block with id=110 and increase its population by 1000 people.

import pandas as pd
update = {
  110: {
    'population': 1000,
update_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(update, orient='index')
prov_res_after = prov.calculate(service_type, update_df)
2024-09-25 18:49:16.556 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 15 : 193x37
2024-09-25 18:49:16.662 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:49:16.701 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:49:16.820 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 30 : 53x18
2024-09-25 18:49:16.853 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:49:16.876 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:49:16.910 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 60 : 27x4
2024-09-25 18:49:16.917 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:49:16.929 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:49:16.946 | SUCCESS  | blocksnet.method.provision:calculate:269 - Provision assessment finished

Visualization of provision after modification of block parameters.


Saving the results as a geojson file.


5.4. Services composition optimization

Selecting the scenario (concept) of city development includes specifiying weights for each of the service types.

scenario = {
    'school': 0.6,
    'kindergarten': 0.4
blocks = vologda.get_blocks_gdf(simplify=True)
geometry land_use is_living build_floor_area living_demand living_area share_living business_area share_business site_area population footprint_area fsi gsi l osr mxi
0 POLYGON ((550762.290 6565038.844, 550768.857 6... None False 0.000000 NaN 0.000000 NaN 0.000000 NaN 1.050029e+03 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN
1 POLYGON ((550768.857 6565033.563, 550762.290 6... None False 0.000000 NaN 0.000000 NaN 0.000000 NaN 3.423072e+03 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN
2 POLYGON ((544937.479 6564706.592, 544935.619 6... residential True 541366.098806 22.056246 94819.799728 0.221511 446546.299077 1.043187 5.013304e+06 4299 428059.648861 0.107986 0.085385 1.264698 8.469765 0.175149
3 POLYGON ((544806.647 6565359.291, 544814.358 6... None False 3599.332605 NaN 0.000000 0.000000 3599.332605 1.000000 1.706084e+05 0 3599.332605 0.021097 0.021097 1.000000 46.400012 0.000000
4 POLYGON ((544793.346 6565395.228, 544800.150 6... None False 3204.576494 NaN 0.000000 0.000000 3204.576494 1.000000 4.019534e+04 0 3204.576494 0.079725 0.079725 1.000000 11.543104 0.000000
from blocksnet import LandUse

blocks_fsi = blocks.fsi
blocks_gsi = blocks.gsi
blocks_lu = blocks.apply(lambda s : (LandUse.RESIDENTIAL if s.is_living else LandUse.RECREATION) if s.land_use is None else s.land_use, axis=1).apply(LandUse).to_dict()
from blocksnet import AnnealingOptimizer

ao = AnnealingOptimizer(city_model=vologda)
X, indicators, value, provisions = ao.calculate(blocks_lu, blocks_fsi, blocks_gsi, scenario)
Value : 0.815:  55%|█████▌    | 550/1000 [02:10<01:47,  4.20it/s]

As you can see, the method have “placed” some services as if we didn’t have any services already to increase the provision.

{'school': 0.8472210572229025, 'kindergarten': 0.7675453047775948}

Visualizing possible school capacities

ao.to_gdf(X, indicators).plot(column='school', cmap='RdYlGn', figsize=(10,5), legend=True).set_axis_off()

Output of the exact requirements:

block_id service_type is_integrated area capacity count
0 2 school False 3200.0 250 1
3 2 school False 13000.0 1100 1
24 13 kindergarten True 320.0 180 1
27 19 school False 4000.0 300 1
29 19 school False 13000.0 1100 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2585 590 kindergarten True 320.0 180 1
2629 623 school False 13000.0 1100 2
2630 623 school True 2200.0 250 1
2637 623 kindergarten True 320.0 180 1
2661 660 kindergarten False 700.0 320 1

201 rows × 6 columns

To calculate and visualize the provision one must make an update_df again. At first, get clear_df, that “removes” everything from the city for the Provision.

clear_df = ao._get_clear_df(vologda._blocks.keys())
population kindergarten school hospital polyclinic pitch swimming_pool stadium theatre museum ... bus_station bus_stop pier animal_shelter military_kom prison landfill plant_nursery greenhouse_complex warehouse
0 0 -0.0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 -0.0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 -4299 -640.0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 -0.0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 -0.0 -0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 67 columns

Get the df with values obtained by the optimizer.

df = ao.to_df(X, indicators)
population school kindergarten
2 5665 1350.0 0.0
13 1160 0.0 180.0
19 1482 1400.0 320.0
23 587 300.0 320.0
32 3934 0.0 80.0

Sum everything to get the actual state.

clear_df['population'] += df['population']
clear_df['school'] += df['school']
clear_df['kindergarten'] += df['kindergarten']
prov_ann = prov.calculate('school', clear_df)
2024-09-25 18:51:31.002 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 15 : 203x104
2024-09-25 18:51:31.313 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:51:31.400 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:51:31.567 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 30 : 26x51
2024-09-25 18:51:31.602 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:51:31.624 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:51:31.652 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:320 - Setting an LP problem for accessibility = 60 : 2x42
2024-09-25 18:51:31.657 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:354 - Solving the problem
2024-09-25 18:51:31.666 | INFO     | blocksnet.method.provision:_lp_provision:358 - Restoring values from variables
2024-09-25 18:51:31.675 | SUCCESS  | blocksnet.method.provision:calculate:269 - Provision assessment finished
geometry demand capacity capacity_left demand_left demand_within demand_without provision
0 POLYGON ((550762.290 6565038.844, 550768.857 6... 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 NaN
1 POLYGON ((550768.857 6565033.563, 550762.290 6... 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 NaN
2 POLYGON ((544937.479 6564706.592, 544935.619 6... 680 1350.0 670.0 0 680 0 1.0
3 POLYGON ((544806.647 6565359.291, 544814.358 6... 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 NaN
4 POLYGON ((544793.346 6565395.228, 544800.150 6... 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 NaN