Generating intermodal graph and calculating accessibility matrix

BlocksNet uses IduEdu network library to generate city intermodal graph and calculate the accessibility matrix.

import os
import geopandas as gpd

data_path = "./data"

Read blocks and initialize processor instance

from blocksnet import AccessibilityProcessor

blocks = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join(data_path, 'blocks.parquet'))
ap = AccessibilityProcessor(blocks)

Generate an intermodal city graph

graph = ap.get_intermodal_graph()
/home/vasilstar/masterplanning/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/shapely/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in line_locate_point
  return lib.line_locate_point(line, other)
ap.plot(blocks, graph)

Calculate the accessibility matrix

acc_mx = ap.get_accessibility_matrix(graph)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 16310 16311 16312 16313 16314 16315 16316 16317 16318 16319
0 0.000000 18.718750 9.234375 17.21875 30.296875 27.390625 30.671875 23.281250 78.6875 81.2500 ... 76.5625 102.5625 97.5000 132.250 130.8750 142.125 247.625 228.625 247.625 124.6250
1 17.859375 0.000000 19.015625 7.65625 20.281250 25.250000 25.234375 15.765625 76.8750 79.4375 ... 74.6875 100.7500 95.6875 130.500 129.0000 140.250 245.875 226.875 245.875 112.5000
2 9.234375 20.796875 0.000000 20.21875 27.968750 25.062500 28.343750 20.953125 71.8750 74.4375 ... 69.7500 95.8125 90.6875 125.500 124.0625 135.375 240.875 221.875 240.875 124.6250
3 15.937500 7.449219 18.421875 0.00000 21.109375 24.984375 27.781250 16.593750 76.3125 78.8125 ... 74.1250 100.1875 95.0625 129.875 128.5000 139.750 245.250 226.250 245.250 113.3750
4 31.906250 19.765625 31.734375 21.28125 0.000000 21.781250 23.125000 15.429688 89.5625 92.1250 ... 87.4375 113.5000 108.3750 143.125 141.7500 153.000 258.500 239.500 258.500 108.3125

5 rows × 16320 columns

acc_mx.to_pickle(os.path.join(data_path, 'acc_mx.pickle'))