- class KGEModel(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An implementation of several knowledge graph embedding models.
The following models were …
- ComplEx(head: torch.Tensor, relation: torch.Tensor, tail: torch.Tensor, mode: str) torch.Tensor
Apply ComplEx model
- Parameters:
head – (Tensor) heads of the triples
relation – (Tensor) relations of the triples
tail – (Tensor) heads of the triples
mode – (str) mode of processing
- Returns:
(Tensor) calculated score
- DistMult(head: torch.Tensor, relation: torch.Tensor, tail: torch.Tensor, mode: str) torch.Tensor
Apply DistMult model
- Parameters:
head – (Tensor) heads of the triples
relation – (Tensor) relations of the triples
tail – (Tensor) heads of the triples
mode – (str) mode of processing
- Returns:
(Tensor) calculated score
- RotatE(head: torch.Tensor, relation: torch.Tensor, tail: torch.Tensor, mode: str) torch.Tensor
Apply RotatE model
- Parameters:
head – (Tensor) heads of the triples
relation – (Tensor) relations of the triples
tail – (Tensor) heads of the triples
mode – (str) mode of processing
- Returns:
(Tensor) calculated score
- TransE(head: torch.Tensor, relation: torch.Tensor, tail: torch.Tensor, mode: str) torch.Tensor
Apply TransE model
- Parameters:
head – (Tensor) heads of the triples
relation – (Tensor) relations of the triples
tail – (Tensor) heads of the triples
mode – (str) mode of processing
- Returns:
(Tensor) calculated score
- forward(sample: torch.Tensor, mode: str = 'single') torch.Tensor
Forward function that calculate the score of a batch of triples.
In the ‘single’ mode, sample is a batch of triple. In the ‘head-batch’ or ‘tail-batch’ mode, sample consists two part. The first part is usually the positive sample. And the second part is the entities in the negative samples. Because negative samples and positive samples usually share two elements in their triple ((head, relation) or (relation, tail)).
- Parameters:
sample (_type_) – _description_
mode (str, optional) – _description_, defaults to ‘single’
- Raises:
ValueError – _description_
ValueError – _description_
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static test_step(model: torch.nn.Module, test_triples: torch.Tensor, args: Any, random_sampling: bool = False) Dict[str, float]
Evaluate the model on tests or valid datasets
- Parameters:
model (_type_) – _description_
test_triples (_type_) – _description_
args (_type_) – _description_
random_sampling (bool, optional) – _description_, defaults to False
- Returns:
- Return type:
- static train_step(model: torch.nn.Module, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, train_iterator: BidirectionalOneShotIterator, model_parameters: Any) Dict
A single train step. Apply back-propation and return the loss
- Parameters:
model – model to train
optimizer – _description_
train_iterator – _description_
model_parameters – _description_
- Returns:
Dict with steps logs