Service type provisions assessment module.
Class for assessing provision of services to urban areas. |
Enum for different methods of service provision assessment. |
- class blocksnet.method.provision.ProvisionMethod(value)[source]
Enum for different methods of service provision assessment.
- Variables:
GREEDY (str) – Greedy method for service provision.
GRAVITATIONAL (str) – Linear method for service provision, where distances are taken into account as squares.
LINEAR (str) – Linear method for service provision, where distances are taken into account linearly.
- GREEDY = 'greedy'
- GRAVITATIONAL = 'gravitational'
- LINEAR = 'linear'
- class blocksnet.method.provision.Provision(*, city_model: City, verbose: bool = True, max_depth: int = 3)[source]
Class for assessing provision of services to urban areas.
This class provides various methods to evaluate the provision of services such as healthcare, education, etc., for a given city model. The provision can be assessed using multiple methods like gravitational models, greedy allocation, and linear programming-based transportation problem solutions.
- plot(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, linewidth: float = 0.1, figsize: tuple[int, int] = (10, 10)) None [source]
Visualizes provision assessment results for a given GeoDataFrame.
- stat(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) dict[str, float] [source]
Computes basic statistics of provision (mean, median, min, max) from a GeoDataFrame.
- total(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame) float [source]
Calculates the total provision ratio from the given GeoDataFrame.
- get_bounds(service_type: ServiceType | str, update_df: pd.DataFrame = None) tuple[float, float] [source]
Returns the lower and upper bounds of provision for a given service type.
- calculate(service_type: ServiceType | str, update_df: pd.DataFrame | None = None, method: ProvisionMethod = ProvisionMethod.GRAVITATIONAL, self_supply: bool = False) gpd.GeoDataFrame [source]
Performs provision assessment for a specified service type and method.
- max_depth: int
- plot(gdf: GeoDataFrame, linewidth: float = 0.1, figsize: tuple[int, int] = (10, 10))[source]
Visualizes provision assessment results for a given GeoDataFrame.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing spatial data with provision assessment results.
linewidth (float) – Size of polygons’ borders, by default 0.1.
figsize (tuple of int, optional) – Size of the plot in inches, by default (10, 10).
- Return type:
- _get_blocks_gdf(service_type: ServiceType, update_df: DataFrame | None = None) GeoDataFrame [source]
Generates a GeoDataFrame of city blocks with updated service capacities and demands.
- Parameters:
service_type (ServiceType) – The service type for which provision assessment is being calculated.
update_df (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – DataFrame containing updates to population or capacity, by default None.
- Returns:
GeoDataFrame containing the geometry, demand, and capacity for each block.
- Return type:
- classmethod stat(gdf: GeoDataFrame) dict[str, float] [source]
Computes basic statistics of provision (mean, median, min, max) from a GeoDataFrame.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing provision data.
- Returns:
Dictionary with keys ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘min’, and ‘max’ representing provision statistics.
- Return type:
- classmethod total(gdf: GeoDataFrame) float [source]
Calculates the total provision by dividing the sum of met demand by the total demand for all blocks in the GeoDataFrame.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing the columns ‘demand_within’ and ‘demand’, representing the met demand and total demand for each block.
- Returns:
The ratio of total met demand to total demand, representing overall provision.
- Return type:
- static _get_lower_bound(gdf: GeoDataFrame) float [source]
Calculates the lower bound of provision, assuming each block meets its demand up to its capacity.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing ‘capacity’ and ‘demand’ columns.
- Returns:
The lower bound of provision as the ratio of the total met demand (limited by capacity) to the total demand.
- Return type:
- static _get_upper_bound(gdf: GeoDataFrame) float [source]
Calculates the upper bound of provision, assuming total capacity can be fully allocated to meet total demand.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing ‘capacity’ and ‘demand’ columns.
- Returns:
The upper bound of provision, calculated as the minimum of the total capacity-to-demand ratio or 1 (full provision).
- Return type:
- get_bounds(service_type: ServiceType | str, update_df: DataFrame | None = None) tuple[float, float] [source]
Returns the lower and upper bounds of provision for a given service type.
- Parameters:
service_type (ServiceType or str) – The service type for which provision bounds are calculated.
update_df (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – DataFrame containing updates to population or capacity, by default None.
- Returns:
A tuple (lower_bound, upper_bound) representing the lower and upper bounds of provision.
- Return type:
tuple of float
- calculate(service_type: ServiceType | str, update_df: DataFrame | None = None, method: ProvisionMethod = ProvisionMethod.GRAVITATIONAL, self_supply: bool = False) GeoDataFrame [source]
Performs provision assessment for a specified service type and method.
- Parameters:
service_type (ServiceType or str) – The type of service for which the provision is calculated.
update_df (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – Updated DataFrame for blocks (demand or capacity changes), by default None.
method (ProvisionMethod, optional) – The provision method to be used (GRAVITATIONAL by default).
self_supply (bool, optional) – If True, blocks are allowed to meet their own demand directly using their own capacity, by default False.
- Returns:
GeoDataFrame with provision data, including ‘demand_within’, ‘demand_left’, ‘capacity_left’, and ‘provision’.
- Return type:
- _lp_provision(gdf: GeoDataFrame, service_type: ServiceType, method: ProvisionMethod, depth: int = 1) GeoDataFrame [source]
Solves the provision problem using a Linear Programming (LP) solver. Loops itself till capacity or demand left meet 0.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing blocks with demand and capacity.
service_type (ServiceType) – The type of service for which provision is being calculated.
method (ProvisionMethod) – The method used to calculate provision (LINEAR or GRAVITATIONAL).
depth (int) – Current depth in the loop, default 1.
- Returns:
Updated GeoDataFrame with provision results, including updates to ‘demand_within’, ‘demand_without’, ‘demand_left’, and ‘capacity_left’.
- Return type:
- _greedy_provision(gdf: GeoDataFrame, service_type: ServiceType) GeoDataFrame [source]
Iteratively assigns demand to the closest available capacity using a greedy method.
- Parameters:
gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing blocks with demand and capacity.
service_type (ServiceType) – The type of service for which provision is being calculated.
- Returns:
Updated GeoDataFrame with provision results, including updates to ‘demand_within’, ‘demand_without’, ‘demand_left’, and ‘capacity_left’.
- Return type: