

Diversity(*, city_model[, verbose])

Provides methods for assessing the diversity of services in city blocks.

class blocksnet.method.diversity.Diversity(*, city_model: City, verbose: bool = True)[source]

Bases: BaseMethod

Provides methods for assessing the diversity of services in city blocks.

plot(gdf, linewidth=0.1, figsize=(10, 10))[source]

Plots diversity data on a map.


Calculates the diversity of services for each block in the city model.

static plot(gdf: GeoDataFrame, linewidth: float = 0.1, figsize: tuple[int, int] = (10, 10))[source]

Plots diversity data for blocks on a map.

  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame containing block geometries and diversity data.

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Line width for plotting the geometries, by default 0.1.

  • figsize (tuple of int, optional) – Size of the figure to plot, by default (10, 10).

Return type:


static _shannon_index(services_series) float[source]

Calculate the Shannon diversity index for given service counts.


services_series (pandas.Series) – Series representing counts of different service types in a block.


The Shannon diversity index.

Return type:


calculate() GeoDataFrame[source]

Calculates the diversity of services for each block in the city model.

Diversity is determined using the Shannon diversity index based on the distribution of service types within each block.


GeoDataFrame containing blocks with calculated diversity of services.

Return type:


model_computed_fields: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.