Project Structure

Both services provided by the Polygon.Web were developed using Django Framework and inherit its default structure.

The project structure is empowered by MVC (model - view - controller) concept. The Model represents the crucial information that website / application will be manipulating and working with. It serves as the underlying data structure that fuels the operations and logic of your digital platform. The View is responsible for the presentation and visual representation of the Model on website. It dictates how the information within the Model is displayed to users, ensuring an intuitive user interface. The Controller acts as the vital bridge between the View and the Model. It encompasses the code that orchestrates the seamless integration and communication between these two components. In essence, the Controller ensures that user interactions with the View are effectively translated into changes within the Model, and vice versa.

Separate files are used to handle each of these modules in a Django web application:


In order to optimize the handling of HTTP requests, View functions offer a more efficient approach by individually processing each resource. This means that each resource, such as a webpage or API endpoint, can have its own dedicated View function to handle the corresponding request.


A view in a web application can be built upon various sources of information, such as a database, an application, or any other relevant data repository. It is designed to be separate from the code responsible for receiving and responding to HTTP requests, ensuring a clear separation of concerns. When an HTTP request is sent to an application, the code that manages and processes that request might reside on the same physical machine as the application code.


Data structure and database application methodologies are defined by a model.


An HTML template text file defines the structure or layout of a file (for example, an HTML page) with placeholder text representing actual content. A model can be used to dynamically populate an HTML page with data from a view, producing a view.

Additional modules


This module provides unit-testing for django project to ensure the quality and reliability of the codebase.


This module contains algorithms and tools for Explainable AI.